Construction & Roadway
A specially developed concentrate for addition to dampening/ dust-suppression spray water. Quell’s double action formula not only provides effective control of dust on the day but also keeps it under control for longer than is achievable with plain water. Ideal for building sites, quarries etc.
A dual purpose product, providing a sacrificial release coating which prevents bitumen, tar and heavy oils adhering to metal or painted metal surfaces and also a clean-up solution for hot boxes, vehicles and tools involved in road laying, etc.
A combined action release agent for use on forms and shuttering used for the moulding of concrete, mortar, plaster and similar water-based materials. M.R.O should be used neat on wood, steel or aluminium moulds and shuttering to give excellent surface finish, especially where highly textured, and freedom from staining.
De-Scale XP
A fast-acting and effective product for the removal of cement and mortar splashes, efflorescence, lime-scale and rusty marks from a wide variety of equipment and building surfaces. De-Scale XP’s powerful dissolving action handles deposits other products cannot touch but is totally free from the fuming behaviour that makes other products a nuisance to work with